Eye Care

Diabetes Eye Care in Blue Island, Illinois
Doctors on our staff have committed to additional hours of post-doctorate continuing education in the area of diabetic eye care to provide our diabetic patients and those who are at greater risk for diabetes the latest in the diagnosis of diabetes and treatment with the best individualized patient treatment options.
Vision Salon Eye Care Associates has committed additional and continual training to our staff to assist doctors in diagnostic testing and evaluation to help assist patients and advise patients under our doctor’s guidance for optimal eye care.
Vision Salon Eye Care Associates has committed resources in equipment and technology to continually provide our patients with some of the latest in technology not only rendering the existing standard of care in the area of diabetic eye conditions but in many ways exceeding the standard. We will communicate closely with the diabetic patient’s primary care physician and reinforce the care recommended for the patient’s management of diabetes to help stabilize, manage, or prevent ocular complications from diabetes.
We work with patients with holistic supportive lifestyle changes and pearls of advice to help prevent and manage ocular complications in diabetes as well as those at greater risk and those that are pre-diabetic.
We have affiliated ophthalmic surgeons who provide a high level of surgical and ophthalmological diabetic and retinal care.

KNOC out Diabetes Program
Our KNOC out Diabetes Program can successfully teach you how to live well with diabetes.
- Learn how to enjoy and prepare dishes that are simple and healthy. Learn how to have fun being more physically active.
- Ask about our line dancing classes. Learn how we can help preserve your eyesight with leading-edge technology for the early diagnosis and treatment of potential vision problems.
Most insurance plans will cover our certified diabetes self-management education and support program. Please call our office today for more information or to sign up for our program.
FREE Diabetes Education and Nutrition Seminar

Andrea Williams, RD LDN CDE
Clinical Educator/Diabetes Educator/Dietitian
The seminar is hosted by Vision Salon Eye Care Associates.
Most insurance plans will cover our certified diabetes self-management education and support program.
Pre-register by calling (708) 385-0013
or email info@visionsalon.com

Diabetic Retinopathy
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be at risk of losing your vision since your body does not utilize sugar properly and, when the sugar levels rise, damage to the retinal blood vessels may occur. This injury to the retinal vessels is known as diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in working-age adults. Learn More….